DISCLAIMER Content All content on this website is property of Cameron Lodge and is protected by the Intellectual Property Laws in force in Chile and abroad. The copying, reproduction and retransmission of all or part of this site and its content through any medium is prohibited. Errors or omissions Cameron Lodge shall not be held liable for any errors or omissions that may arise regarding the information provided on our website. Users shall be responsible to confirm the accuracy of such information before programming their stay at Cameron Lodge. Prices and values The prices and values published on our website correspond to the price list currently in force. Cameron Lodge reserves the right to change, modify or alter such prices and values, without previous notice. Users shall be responsible to confirm the prices currently in force at the time of programming their stay at Cameron Lodge. Activities Cameron Lodge reserves the right to alter, change or modify all or part of the activities proposed on our web site, without previous notice, whenever we consider it advisable or necessary for the welfare or safety of our guests or for any other reasonable cause. Disputes Any difficulty, doubt, or dispute that may arise in connection with the information on our website and/or as a result of any transaction entered into with Cameron Lodge and/or related to the use of any of our facilities shall be resolved by the Courts of Justice of Santiago de Chile, in accordance the laws of Chile.